dsDNA (plasmid)

Diarect's double stranded DNA (dsDNA) is a circular plasmid that is propagated in and purified from Echerichia coli to eliminate potential contaminations with nuclear proteins. DIARECT™ antigens are for further manufacturing or research use only.

Bacterial plasmid molecule (Size 3.400 base pairs). Propagated in and purified from E. coli.
Biochemical Test
Photometric determination of concentration and purity (OD ratio at 260 nm and 280 nm); agarose gel electrophoresis for determination of size, content of closed-circular form   (> 95%) and absence of contaminating RNA and genomic DNA impurities.
Calculated Molecular Weight
2.24 Mega-Dalton
Coating Concentration
1.0-2.0 µg/ml (depending on the type of ELISA plate, co-coating reagents and coating buffer, see also remark below). Suitable for biotinylation with DNA-biotinylating reagents.
Option Quantity Unit Purchase
50 µg
In Stock
1.0 mg
In Stock

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